Sunday, 28 April 2019

ERS International Congress 2019

Registration is open for the ERS International Congress 2019, with an early-bird discount available until 9 July, 2019. The Congress will take place on 28 September to 2 October, 2019, in Madrid, Spain. Register to attend here.

Friday, 26 April 2019

Time to move away from SABAs in asthma management?

In an editorial published in the European Respiratory Journal (ERJ), Dr Matthew Martin and Professor Tim Harrison discuss whether short-acting beta-agonist (SABA) inhalers still have a role to play in asthma management. Access the editorial here or visit to browse the April ERJ.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Breathe online exclusives

The March 2019 issue of Breathe now features four online exclusive articles. They include a review on over- and under-diagnosis in asthma and the latest article in the series focusing on myths and maxims in respiratory medicine. Read the full issue here.

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Thank you to the Monograph reviewers

The ERS Monograph is voluntarily reviewed. We are most grateful for the hard work and dedication of those who peer reviewed Monograph chapters in 2018. The complete reviewer list can be found here.

Thursday, 18 April 2019

Pre-order Severe Asthma and save €10

The forthcoming ERS Monograph on Severe Asthma is now available to pre-order. This book covers all aspects of severe asthma – epidemiology, diagnosis, mechanisms, treatment and management – but has a particular focus on recent understanding of mechanistic heterogeneity and omics. It brings together the clinical and scientific expertise of those collaborating to solve the problem of severe asthma. Pre-order your copy at before 17 May 2019 and save €10.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

There's an ERS Monograph to suit your needs

Thoracic Ultrasound, Clinical Exercise Testing and Bronchiectasis are amongst our most popular ERS Monographs. But we have a broad range available, covering topics such as Tuberculosis, Pulmonary Emergencies and Lung Cancer. Visit to access our Monographs online or to order print copies. And if you can't see a Monograph that suits your needs, email us at - we're always interested in hearing your ideas.

Monday, 8 April 2019

Sign up for e-mail alerts

Did you know that you can sign up for e-mail alerts for all ERS books and journals, as well as customised author and keyword alerts? These are a great way to keep up to date with the literature and to be notified about new articles and books as soon as they are published. Click here to manage your journal alerts. Click here to manage your book alerts.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

ERJ Open Research: latest issue

The latest issue of ERJ Open Research is now available. The issue contains: an editorial on triple therapy in COPD; ERS 2018 International Congress highlights; a review on biomarkers for TB; and original articles on a vast array of topics, including primary ciliary dyskinesia, asthma, lung cancer, paediatric pulmonology and pulmonary vascular diseases. Click here to browse the latest issue of this open access publication.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

European Respiratory Review: March issue

The complete March issue of the European Respiratory Review is now available. The issue contains articles on women and COPD, clinical trial end-points for bronchiectasis in adults, cancer-associated thrombosis and TB. Visit to browse this open access publication.