Friday, 30 April 2021

ERS International Congress 2021 – save the dates!

 Get ready for the ERS International Congress 2021 with the following important dates:

  • 1 May 2021: Late-breaking abstract submission opens. Learn more
  • 10 May 2021: Registration opens with a 2-week flash sale! Learn more

Friday, 9 April 2021

New Lung Stem Cells Monograph - available now!

The latest ERS Monograph on Lung Stem Cells in Development, Health and Disease is now available. This Monograph provides information about the different classes of stem cells present in both the developing and adult lung: where they are found, how they function in homeostasis and pathologic conditions, the mechanisms that regulate their behaviour, and how they may be harnessed for therapeutic purposes. The book focuses on stem cells in the mouse and human lung but also includes the ferret as an increasingly important new model organism. Chapters also discuss how lung tissue, including endogenous stem cells, can be generated in vitro from pluripotent stem cell lines. Order your print copy at or visit to access the book online

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Coming soon: ERS Monograph on COVID-19

The European Respiratory Society is publishing an ERS Monograph on COVID-19, edited by Aurelie Fabre, John Hurst and Sheila Ramjug. Coming at such a crucial time, this book will be a must-read for respiratory clinicians and scientists. As the data surrounding COVID-19 is evolving so quickly, chapters from the Monograph will first be hosted on FigShare for public comment. The chapters will then be put through ERS' standard peer review and revision process, ahead of publication in print and online. Visit to browse the chapters in first-draft format, then send your comments to